Scotland Hub Summer update | Women in Transport

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Scotland Hub Summer update

Over the past few months the volunteers of the hub have carried a number of activities on behalf of the Scotland Hub. In this blog article we’ve summarised what’s kept us busy and what’s next for us!

Re-connecting with our existing volunteers and members

We have held two informal meet ups, one lunch and one afterwork, and have enjoyed meeting in person for the first time. Here are a few photos of us gathering:


Welcoming our amazing new volunteers:

 Kristen Layne, Principal Transport Planner at WSP in Edinburgh, and Kelly Wiltshire, Transport Executive at Nestrans in Aberdeen have joined the Scotland Hub volunteers team. Kristen will lead our outreach activities whilst Kelly will support the life of the hub as a volunteer coordinator.

Kelly Wiltshire, our volunteer coordinator

Kristen Layne , our outreach coordinator

Our volunteers team is seven people strong, covering central and northern Scotland and we’re keen to continue extending our reach. If you’re interested in volunteering opportunities, please contact us.

Sharing information about what’s happened to us in the past year

  • Fiona Brown has become Director for Transport Strategy for Transport Scotland, with a portfolio covering a broad range of technical, analytical, policy and coordination areas, including: constitution and UK relations, child poverty and climate change; Just transition, Covid strategy, economic development, land-use and planning; Future of transport governance, public transport and demand from travel; and transport economics, statistics, modelling and research.

  • Sue Hilder has moved to a new role as Sustainable Travel & Access Manager at Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority, a post that was created in part as a result of the Authority’s increasing focus on addressing the climate emergency, and also in response to hugely increased, chaos-causing levels of car-based leisure traffic to the Park, post-lockdown.

  • Mailys Garden has returned from maternity leave after a few months exploring the city at different times of the day and with different mobility needs. She also successfully continues to develop Momentum’s activities in Scotland.

  • Kat, Lynn and Diane are continuing to progress in their respective roles at Atkins, Aecom and CalMac

Promoting Women in Transport and engaging with partners

  • We are continuing to hold meetings with professionals and organisations interested finding more about us and partnering with us. If you are interested, please reach out!

  • We attended the POLIS conference in Glasgow, ensuring that diversity in the transport industry continues to be a key aspect of achieving a just transition to net-zero and in preparation of the COP27.

  • We’re continuing to engage and exchange information with the other Women in Transport Regional Hubs, as well as engaging at the national level by suggesting event topics and speakers.

  • We attended the MOVE conference in London, connecting with many WiT members and volunteers.

The POLIS conference. Credit : Glasgow City Council

The MOVE Conference

 What’s next?

  • We are one year old! Time has flown by. We want to invite our members, and also nonmembers, to celebrate the anniversary of our launch. We have very exciting plans which we’re hoping to reveal very soon.

  • More informal meet ups: we will continue providing a regular safe space for in person relaxed networking

  • More professional development: the women in transport membership gives access to a range of online professional development events activities which can be found our dedicated events page

Join us

It’s very easy to be a member of the Scotland Hub: simply head to our membership page where you can obtain your membership by selecting ‘Scotland’ as a region. If you have any questions or are interested in corporate membership opportunities, you can email us at the address above.