Women in Transport profiled at Gingerbread City | Women in Transport

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Women in Transport profiled at Gingerbread City

Two of our brilliant board members, Lauren Sager-Weinstein and Anna Delvecchio have been profiled as leading women in the transport sector, recognising their contribution to the development of travel in London at Gingerbread City.

The exhibition is an annual exhibition, now its fourth year, by the Museum of Architecture, which challenges leading architects, engineers and designers to create a futuristic city made entirely of gingerbread. The theme for 2019 is ‘transport’ with over 100 architects, engineers and designers using their baking and design talent to create a city that explores imaginative new ways of moving around our densely populated cities.

You can explore this fascinating exhibition from 7 December 2019 until 5 January 2020 at Somerset House. Tickets are £9.00, £7.00 for under 12s and free for under 3s. A perfect festive activity, the exhibition includes a series of daily family-friendly gingerbread house-making workshops and a shop.

Find out more and book tickets at: www.thegingerbreadcity.com

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