Women in Transport is supporting Catch the Bus Month 2023 | Women in Transport

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Women in Transport is supporting Catch the Bus Month 2023

This September Women in Transport is supporting Catch the Bus Month run by charity Bus Users UK. Buses are good for our health, good for the economy and good for the environment. Pre-Covid, bus passengers boosted the UK economy by £64 billion each year, as well as reducing congestion, pollution, loneliness and social isolation.

Sonya Byers, Chief Executive of Women in Transport said: “Bus Users UK is an active member of the Women in Transport Diversity and Inclusion Bus Group founded in 2019. Women in Transport is delighted to support this annual campaign celebrating the bus as a sustainable, inclusive and accessible form of transport. The bus industry is a vital part of the transport sector and an essential form of transport that can support more active travel, reduce congestion and support net zero ambitions.”

Claire Walters, Chief Executive of Bus Users UK said: “Buses are a lifeline for millions and bring huge health, social and environmental benefits to us all. As the cost of living crisis continues to bite, we need affordable, sustainable transport more than ever so it’s great to see Women in Transport celebrating these vital services and encouraging more people to get on board.”

To find out more about Catch the Bus Month visit https://bususers.org/catchthebusmonth/h or email catchthebus@bususers.org

Did you know?

  • 84% of bus passengers are satisfied with their journey according to the latest figures from Transport Focus.

  • Operators have invested £2 billion over the last 5 years in new cleaner and greener buses, meaning the UK has its cleanest ever bus fleet.

  • A fully loaded double decker bus can take 75 cars off the road.

  • If everyone switched just one car journey a month to bus, there would be a billion fewer car journeys and a saving of 2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

Find more useful research and statistics in this CPT Factsheet illustrating the social, economic and environmental benefits of the bus.

Find out more about our bus habits in the Transport Focus ‘Motivations and barriers to bus usage’ study, and their research on ‘Getting free bus holders back on buses’.

About Bus Users UK

Bus Users is a registered charity that campaigns for accessible, inclusive transport. An approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Body for bus and coach passengers and the body which deals with complaints under the Passenger Rights in Bus and Coach Legislation. They are also part of a Sustainable Transport Alliance, a group working to promote the benefits of public, shared and active travel.  For press enquiries contact Vicki Pulman on 07785 768580 

Launched in March 2019, the Diversity & Inclusion Bus Group forms part of Women in Transport, with the key aim to promote and accelerate diversity and inclusion in the bus industry. Find out more at: https://www.womenintransport.com/bus