Innovate UK in partnership with Crossrail International and the Department for International Trade to invest £750,000 in advancing innovative rail solutions | Women in Transport

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Innovate UK in partnership with Crossrail International and the Department for International Trade to invest £750,000 in advancing innovative rail solutions

Innovate UK, in partnership with Crossrail International and the Department for International Trade, is to invest £750,000 (including VAT) in innovative rail solutions in spaces including digital innovation, operational efficiency, station security and more.

Minister for Exports, Graham Stuart, said:

“Our innovative and pioneering rail industry is envied across the world and we want even more businesses to take advantage of global demand for British engineering and technology.  

That’s why DIT is partnering with Innovate UK to launch a new competition to help our small businesses grow, thrive and adapt in exciting new markets.”

KTN briefing events

KTN will be hosting two briefing events for two separate competitions on the 13th of September from 10:00-13:00. These are: 

  1. SBRI - Digital Transformation for the Hanoi Metro, Vietnam: £300k is allocated to this strand (including VAT).

  2. SBRI –Innovate UK & DIT Global Rail Feasibility Studies: £450k is allocated to this strand (including VAT).

Both competitions will open on the 13th September and close on the 13th October 2021. 

Competition One: SBRI - Digital Transformation for the Hanoi Metro, Vietnam 

The first of these strands is in partnership with Crossrail International, looking at digital transformation for the Hanoi Metro. Crossrail International have an existing strong relationship with Hanoi Metro and will support successful applicants to understand the needs and context of the individual themes and assist with introductions.  A total of £300k is allocated to this strand (up to £75k per project including VAT). There are four specific themes within this strand of the competition: 

Theme 1 - Efficient data management (Common Data Environment)

Theme 2 Digital Project Management Office (PMO)

Theme 3 - Digital environmental acceptance

Theme 4 - Digital asset information management

Competition Two: Innovate UK and Department for International Trade Global Rail Feasibility Studies

The second strand is in collaboration with the Department for International Trade (DIT), who have identified Australia, Canada and India as markets with particular rail innovation challenges that could benefit from UK exports. The competition will focus on supporting companies that have strong innovative ideas to adapt their product or service to access new markets. The challenges for each of the markets are summarised below:


- Operational optimisation

- Monitoring and predictive maintenance of assets


- Alternative propulsion technologies

- Energy efficiency

- Operational optimisation


- Security and crowding of stations

- Monitoring and predictive maintenance of assets

- Improving freight operations

- Increasing train speed

Applicants for this strand can work with existing partners in the local markets or request support from DIT to identify potential contacts. A total of £450k is allocated to this strand (up to £50k per project including VAT).


  • Open: 13th September 2021

  • Briefing event: 13th September

  • Close: 13th October 2021

  • Project start: 1st January 2022

  • Project finish: by 31st March 2022

Briefing event agenda (timings subject to change)

10:00 – 10:05  Briefing opens, housekeeping

10:05 - 10:25  Introductions for competition 1: SBRI - Digital Transformation for the Hanoi Metro, Vietnam

10:25 – 10:55  Introductions for competition 2: SBRI –Innovate UK & DIT Global Rail Feasibility Studies 

10:55 – 11:35 Details and scope of competition 1: SBRI - Digital Transformation for the Hanoi Metro, Vietnam

11:35 – 11:45  Q&A 

11:45 – 11:50  Break

11:50 – 12:30 - Detail and scope of competition 2: SBRI –Innovate UK & DIT Global Rail Feasibility Studies 

12:30 – 12:40 - Q&A 12:40 – 13:00 - Innovation Funding Service; applying explained

13:00  Close

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