Member Insight: Beverley Clyde | Women in Transport

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Member Insight: Beverley Clyde

Our member insight series is an opportunity to get to know some of our Women in Transport members. This month, we are featuring some of North East Hub volunteers. In this member insight, we showcase Beverley Clyde, Community Relations Officer (Nexus, Tyne & Wear Passenger Transport Executive), covering the Yorkshire and North East region.

by Beverley Clyde

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Nexus and public transport have been part of my life for over 30 years and our organisation has treated me well over the years and has given me scope and opportunity to grow both personally and professionally   

Winston Churchill quotes ‘To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often’ – I have undertaken many roles within Nexus (although far from perfect!).  I have been a Scheduler, a Programme Officer, Information Officer, Rural Transport Officer, the list goes on, and I now find myself being a Community Relations Officer.

Many of these roles have been a sideways promotion and although it has enabled me to broaden my experience in public transport, my quest is to obtain further knowledge and always try to move forward.

One of the reasons I am involved with Women in Transport North East is that many of you are already at the top of your game and if not there yet then are on a path to success.  I am using Women in Transport as an opportunity to learn, be mentored and develop further. I am sure that I am not alone and hopefully this will encourage others to participate in this initiative too.

I would like to discover ways in which Women in Transport and our Nexus members collectively can support each other on all levels of the business.  So far I have been involved with our working group and I have participated in some of the webinars on offer and I found them extremely interesting.  

So …..onwards and upwards.  I am really looking forward to Women in Transport North East growing and evolving into a support, education and shared information forum for all of us.

Annual membership of Women in Transport is £60 per year providing access to professional development and networking opportunities. We very much welcome guest blogs from our members - a great way to share the incredible diversity of opportunity in transport, raise your profile and connect with our community.

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