What’s happening with Women in Transport North East | Women in Transport

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What’s happening with Women in Transport North East

The Women in Transport North East hub was launched in 2019 and although we experienced inactivity for a short period, we are starting to gather momentum.  A regional steering group meets once a month with the aim to encourage members to generate ideas to allow the regional hub to grow in the right direction.

Whilst we have all adapted to a new way of working, the North East hub of Women in Transport has also been quietly beavering away behind the scenes to plan a diary of networking opportunities for everyone – not just women.

Results from snap survey of NE regional members

Results from snap survey of NE regional members

Late last year, North East regional members were asked to take part in a short snap survey to gauge their views about what motivates them being a member of Women in Transport and their expectations of participating in planned events. This important feedback will determine how we organise future events and will be used as a baseline to measure and benchmark forthcoming activities.

Mentorship is also an important feature for the group, either to discuss the challenges ahead or just to simply unlock potential. Women in Transport’s Advance mentoring programme can offer support and guidance towards any chosen career within the industry and this is something that the North East hub have expressed an interest in.

It is important to work side-by-side with the Women in Transport board, the North East hub will help spread the allocation of activities nationally and will continue to support and promote a diverse and strong transport workforce. Our collective aim is about being an inspirational transport industry for the future generation.

Going forward the North East hub are ready to plan a series of topical events to encourage people to expand their network, share their experiences or best practices and develop new learning through a host of online discussions, webinars and events. Members will benefit from peer-to-peer support and shared commitments with other members of the group within the transport industry.

If there are any topics you would like to raise at one of these events, please get in touch at: northeast@womenintransport.com

Annual membership of Women in Transport is £60 per year providing access to professional development and networking opportunities.

Follow us @transportwm on Twitter, on Linkedin at Women in Transport and at @transportwmn on Instagram for events, news and updates.