Support Women in Transport | Women in Transport

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Support Women in Transport

A message from our CEO, Sonya Byers

At the end of March, I wrote a message detailing how Women in Transport was adapting to COVID-19 to continue our mission of supporting and advancing women working in transport in the UK and in particular our plans for supporting our members during these difficult times.

As we approach the end of May, I’m asking our network to help us continue our mission. As with many organisations, COVID-19 has severely impacted our revenue. We have seen new membership subscriptions fall dramatically since March and many corporate supporters have, understandably, frozen external spend, limiting our ability to raise essential funds.

As a non-profit, we have a no borrowing policy and are not eligible for any of the recent Government business grants or reliefs. At the AGM on Wednesday 20th May we passed a motion to send a call of action to our network to help us bridge the funding gap so we can make a decision about our operating model and the level of service we provide.  

How can you help?

Annual membership is just £60 and concessionary rate of £40 is available for students and those currently not in employment. Membership is open to everyone, 8% of our members are men. The more members we have, the stronger we will be.

You can really help us by: 

  • Spreading the word: Anyone joining Women in Transport between now and the end of June 2020 can enter a prize draw for a free coaching session with Shona Rowan – share this post with your network: LinkedinTwitter or Instagram.

  • Sharing your own experience: Let your network know about us with your own social media post like these members: Jo WardSteve GriffithsSally Lungmuss.

  • Emailing your network: Forward this email with anyone in your network that you think might be interested in joining.

  • Encouraging your employer to become a corporate supporter: Corporate membership bundles start at just £500. Please contact me for more information.

If you have other ideas that could help, please do get in touch at

Thank you in advance for your support.

Stay safe and well.


Women in Transport is a non-profit network with a mission of advancing women working in transport. Annual membership of Women in Transport is £60 per year providing access to professional development and networking opportunities. We very much welcome guest blogs from our members - a great way to share the incredible diversity of opportunity in transport, raise your profile and connect with our community.

Follow us @transportwm on Twitter, on Linkedin at Women in Transport and at @transportwmn on Instagram for events, news and updates.