Women in Transport Member Survey Results | Women in Transport

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Women in Transport Member Survey Results

By Carmen Oleksinski

Why do people join Women in Transport? What do members think about the events and activities? The board and membership committee had these same questions on our minds. To get the answers, the inaugural Women in Transport member survey was conducted this past summer.

We received a balanced set of responses from both new and long-time members, as well as more and less active members. Overall, we were pleased to learn that Women in Transport members are very satisfied with programme of events on offer throughout the year. It was rewarding news to know that the work that volunteers do to develop and implement the programme is valued and appreciated.

Further highlights from the survey results include:

Motivations: The primary reason for joining is a tie between supporting the advancement of women in transport and networking with others. Other important factors are opportunities for professional development and access to industry leaders.

Promotion: Members are highly likely to recommend Women in Transport to a colleague, with an excellent Net Promotor Score of 45. Word of mouth is an important way for us to grow our membership, so please keep telling your friends and colleagues!

Stand out events: The networking receptions are a crowd favourite (especially the Christmas Mince Pies and Networking event!); these are closely followed by the site visits such as Driving a London Bus.

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A few insights we are taking into consideration going forward:

Social media: Members are interested in keeping up with Women in Transport via social media presence, especially to hear about events, industry news, and volunteer opportunities. If you don’t already, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Meeting timings: Some of you are missing out on events because after work start times simply do not work for you. To keep things inclusive, we are looking for opportunities to include a morning event in the programme. Stay tuned!

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A big thank you to all who shared their thoughts with us. Look out for the 2020 survey next summer! In the meantime, we are always open to hearing your feedback and ideas. If you have something to share with us, please email info@womenintransport.com

Annual membership of Women in Transport is £60 per year providing access to monthly events. Find out more and join today here.

Follow us @transportwm or on Linkedin Women in Transport for events, news and updates.