About the Women in Transport Yorkshire Hub
Women in Transport Yorkshire’s mission is to accelerate progress in the transport industry - working together, with all genders, for a better future.
The Women in Transport Yorkshire hub was launched on Tuesday 8th March 2022 by Carrie Brook the 8th March 2022 is also international women’s day!
Our team has put together our mission statements, values and key quotes. We hope these resonate with you.
Mission Statement:
Women in Transport Yorkshire’s mission is to accelerate progress in the transport industry - working together, with all genders, for a better future.
Equality for all: Uniting everyone working in transport Yorkshire to be the best they can be whilst encouraging future generations to aspire to work in transport
Parity in industry: Engage with everyone to understand their needs and expectations of transport facilities as well as barriers (perceived and real) preventing fulfilled journeys
Promote communication: Enabling everyone working in transport Yorkshire to be seen, heard, and be supported in the workplace and empower those wanting change to demand more and promote options to find it
Enhance participation: We support employers to eliminate gender equality challenges and deliver effective EDI interventions designed to increase female participation in the sector
We take action to inspire women to join and stay in the industry, promoting the many roles and thriving careers that contribute to Yorkshire’s critical transport system.
Integrity: Respectfully question and challenge the status quo
Accountability: Embolden data outputs with lived experiences and personal impacts
Growth: Collaborate with partners to improve gender balance
Passion: Recognise the need for a better future (in transport and beyond) and inspire future generations to capture it
Key quotes:
“Lift as you climb”
“Be the change you want to see”
Be part of our journey
There are a variety of ways you can get involved:
Individual membership: Our annual membership provides access to monthly events, both Yorkshire and beyond. You can obtain your membership here and select the ‘Yorkshire’ region.
Corporate sponsorship: Our tiered packages offer a flexible and accessible way to support Women in Transport and your organisation's equality, diversity and inclusion objectives, please contact us to find out more and discuss in more detail.
Volunteering: We are always happy to welcome new volunteers to help us run the hub. From helping with the logistics of event planning through to enabling strategic connections we would love to hear from you if you have ideas and/or a bit of spare time. You can find out about our current volunteers below.
Partner organisation: We greatly admire the fantastic work already done by a number of like-minded organisations in Yorkshire and we are excited to combine resources and organise shared activities for members. If you are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch.
Upcoming events in Yorkshire
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the Yorkshire hub, please drop us a line at Women in Transport Yorkshire or complete the form below.