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Yorkshire Coffee & Connect - I'm In

Women in Transport Yorkshire Coffee & Connect

Join us for Coffee & Connect

How better for us to celebrate International Women’s Day, then to announce another Yorkshire Coffee and Connect for Women working in Transport and living across Yorkshire.

Register before 10th March and we will match you up with someone else within our network. At the end of March, you will receive your match on email, you both then you have four weeks to either arrange to meet up for a coffee in person, as all participants will be across Yorkshire, or you can take your coffee virtually.

We just ask the meetings last around 35-45 minutes and discuss what you’re looking to achieve from networking through WiT Yorkshire. We would also love to know what your aspirations for the group are! 

Coffee & Connect is your opportunity to meet likeminded people across the transport industry and expand your network. 

Complete the form below to sign up and say “C&C, I’m in” by 10th March.

Speak soon!

Women In Transport Yorkshire

This event is open to non-members.

If you would like to join us at this event, please register using the following form: