Women on Boards Event: 7 reasons why being on a board is good for your career | Women in Transport

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Women on Boards Event: 7 reasons why being on a board is good for your career

Fiona Hathorn, founder and CEO of Women on Boards UK, will be delivering a talk to Women in Transport members on the 7 reasons why being on a board is good for your career. The session has been designed to support women and men to think strategically about board roles as part if their career strategy.

Adding a board or committee appointment to your CV is a sure way of drawing attention and validating your capabilities, whilst catapulting your career up the ladder of success. Individuals that join boards - even of very small organisations - are able to use their experience and technical skills to influence an organisations, whilst at the same time gaining exposure to a wide range of issues from the perspective of a director and building confidence, expertise and networks.

The talk is suited to ambitious women and men at various career stages:

  • who want to manage their careers strategically and build skills and influence;

  • seeking to better understand how being on a board would benefit their career.

This event is only open to Women in Transport members.  If you are not a member of Women in Transport and would like to join or find out more, click here.