National Highways - South-West Regional Operations Centre Site Visit | Women in Transport

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National Highways - South-West Regional Operations Centre Site Visit

  • Brunel House 930 Hempton Court Aztec West, Bristol BS32 4SR United Kingdom (map)

Site Visit to National Highways Operations Centre, Bristol

Women in Transport are keen to establish a South-West Regional Hub, and we are therefore holding a series of events to gauge interest and demonstrate the sort of activities Women in Transport members enjoy.

These events will be open to all genders, both members and non-members.

If you or your company are interested in helping us establish a South-West Regional Hub within Women in Transport, please contact Gillian Risdale on

To celebrate International Women’s Day we are linking up with National Highways to get a glimpse of what it is like to operate the strategic road network with a visit to the South-West Regional Operations Centre in Bristol.

Numbers are limited to 30, so book early to guarantee your place.

Agenda for the visit

  • 0915 Arrival and Registration

  • 0930 Welcome and Introductions

  • 0935 A day as a ROC operator

  • 0950 The group will split up to visit the Operations Room and meet some On-road Traffic Officers

  • 1030 Opportunity to network over tea/ coffee

  • 1100 Close

Note no PPE will be required for this visit.

Future Events

For those that can’t make it we will be following up with a virtual event in April where we will further explore the operational perspective and better understand the challenges, risks and incidents, Traffic Officers deal with on a daily basis. Keep an eye on the website for more details.

If you are not a member of Women in Transport and would like to join or find out more, click here.