Smart Mobility Living Lab site visit and networking lunch | Women in Transport

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Smart Mobility Living Lab site visit and networking lunch

  • SMLL Offices 14 Victory Parade, , Plumstead Road, Woolwich London, England, SE18 6FY United Kingdom (map)

Site Visit to Smart Mobility Living Lab followed by Networking Lunch

Women in Transport members are invited to join TRL at the Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL) for a morning to learn about the exciting things happening at SMLL/ TRL.

We’ll give a tour of the SMLL facilities, hear about connected automated vehicles and have a look at the data centre and control room, hear about the successful HELM project as well as the collision investigation and the environmental and sustainability projects conducted at TRL.

This will all be followed by a networking lunch. Stay for the lunch to hear more from Women in Transport and network with the innovation community members of SMLL.

No PPE is needed. Just bring yourself!

The event will start at 9.00am but we encourage you to aim for between 8.30am and 9.00am to allow for any delays. The networking lunch will be at 12 noon.

The HELM project presentation will cover the question of whether HGV truck platooning is part of the solution for the UK as well as the Achievements and Lessons Learnt from Designing and delivering successful transport trials and the future of freight; building on HelmUK findings.​

The Air Quality presentation will be on TRL Air Quality monitoring and research: recently completed projects (and possibly upcoming work), covering referenced method of monitoring (methodology and tools), small sensors, the output of the two-stage research project which resulted in proposition of tailor-made mitigation measures, the use of open-source data for AQ research and local campaigns and the use of monitored AQ and traffic data to provide an impartial AQ overview.

The Environment presentation will cover ‘Then and now - Sustainability & Environment research at TRL’ - a broad overview of sustainability and environment projects that TRL has been involved in over the last 2 decades, looking at how the focus has evolved over time.

The Connected and Automated Vehicles presentation will cover – where have we got to and what’s next, including an overview of CAV use cases (on and off highway), developments to date (for both industry and government), current challenges and what’s next!

Please note that spaces are restricted to 30 people so get your registration in as soon as you can by completing the registration form below.

This event is only open to Women in Transport members .

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