Women in Transport: Weekly Live Drop-In Networking | Women in Transport

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Women in Transport: Weekly Live Drop-In Networking

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Networking is a very important part of supporting our Women in Transport members, especially during these difficult and uncertain times.

Our weekly live-drop in Zoom session has become a regular feature on the Women in Transport calendar and we hope you will join us for our next virtual meet up.

During our recent conversations we have been delighted to get to know some of our members better and it’s been good to talk about how we have been individually affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on us, both professionally and personally.

These sessions are an opportunity to share and learn from each other's experiences , talking about topics such as adapting to working from home, volunteering and ways of staying connected to our families. Occasionally we even talk about things totally unrelated to the pandemic!!

They are very informal and friendly sessions which we all agree are a very pleasant and positive distraction in these difficult times.

This week we will be kicking off the discussion by talking about:

Life after Lockdown

As we anticipate a lifting of some lockdown restrictions by the Government

  1. What would you miss?

  2. What plans do you have in the post lockdown world?

  3. What has surprised you or what have you learned in lockdown (about yourself, other people or life in general)?

We would be really interested to hear your thoughts and experiences. Stories, anecdotes and life lessons are very welcome.

As always, there is no strict agenda, so if the conversation strays into other areas, that's fine. The important thing is keeping in touch and finding out more about each other's experiences and challenges.

A few things to note:

  • Children and pets are absolutely welcome (a few have made brief appearances in our recent sessions). We are all adjusting to the 'new normal' and this is an opportunity for some informal networking.

  • If you have not used it before, you will need to download Zoom (you will be prompted when you ask to join the session).

  • You can access via a mobile with a camera or, ideally, a desktop/laptop.

  • Technology can be unreliable and so can broadband. We will do our best to make the IT work our end but we are not experts and we don't have an IT team to support.

We look forward to talking to you soon.

If you are not a member of Women in Transport and would like to join or find out more, click here.

If you would like to join us, please register your interest using the form below and we will send you details nearer the time.