Women in Transport Yorkshire Hub: Meet the Members - May 2023 | Women in Transport

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Women in Transport Yorkshire Hub: Meet the Members - May 2023

  • Mott McDonald Offices Whitehall, Floor 3, 1, Riverside Way Leeds, LS1 4BN United Kingdom (map)

This is me… Voices from women across Business

With Special Guest Speaker Annie Stirk, the 72-year-old silver-haired model spreading her “Just Do It” mantra. Challenging the misconceptions of what later life looks like, setting women free from their own limitations…

Women in Transport Yorkshire Hub are pleased to announce a Meet the Members session which will be held at the Mott McDonald offices in Leeds on Tuesday 23rd May 2023.

This is open to both Members and Guests so come along and meet the team and see what Women in Transport is all about!

Women in Transport, Yorkshire Hub first in a series of members meetings “This is me” are so pleased to announce our first speaker for our 23 May 2023 3pm-5pm in person event in Leeds.

Annie Stirk is a 72-year-old born and bred Yorkshire girl, who has lived a fast-paced interesting life travelling the country for her career, embracing many changes and challenges along the way and relishing every minute.  

I’ve always felt nothing is impossible and you are limited only by your own boundaries. I feel passionate that all women should feel confident to change direction at any point in their lives, without prejudice or guilt.

After her amazing career in Food / Fashion and Television, her latest career started in modelling only a few years ago, she is determined to show other 50/60/70+ women who feel the same lust for life, but who are held back by their own self doubt, that they can still push the limits and that what they dream of is possible.

Come along and network with colleagues from the Yorkshire region and listen to our guest speaker.

Spaces will be limited so please book early!

If you would like to join us, please register your interest using the form below and we will send you joining instructions.  

We look forward to talking to you there.

If you are not a member of Women in Transport and would like to join or find out more, click here.

Yorkshire Hub would like to thank Mott Macdonald for offering their offices for this event