Introducing FLARE! A group for Local Authority, Local Roads Women! | Women in Transport

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Introducing FLARE! A group for Local Authority, Local Roads Women!

New! A free DEI group for women who work in Local Authorities in Highways departments, supporting all activities from Women in Transport Partner, Brightly. This group is open to women at all levels and stages of their career, the objective is to create a network of women to share resources and strategies of being a woman working in a local authority highways department.

In light of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s urge for councils to cut spending on diversity and inclusion programmes, Brightly would like to provide a mechanism for women to connect for free.

What is it?

1 topic shared a month plus 1-hour teams meeting to discuss. The topic might be a book recommendation, a news article, an exercise in self-reflection – all to drive the conversation but not necessarily to complete before the meeting – you can still join and share or just listen. The meeting will be facilitated by Brightly, A Siemens Company.

When is the first meeting?

Wednesday 15 May – 12-1pm

What is the first topic?

Can Winter Maintenance be sexist?

Read the first chapter of Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez – it’s about Winter Maintenance, and how in Sweden they stopped gritting the roads and started gritting the pavements – of the 79% of pedestrian injuries in the winter months, 69% of these were women. If you don’t have the book, don’t worry, we’ll give a synopsis – come join the discussion!

If you’re a woman asking - what’s in it for me?

It’s an opportunity to meet other women in the sector and share experiences and challenges, great for your mental health, it’s a safe space to talk.

If you’re a man asking - what’s in it for me?

We’d love you to support your female colleagues to attend, increased engagement means greater innovation and productivity, as well as a sense of well-being.

Please register here to get added to the next meeting.