Workplace Wellbeing Academy i-act Managing and Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing Training (Session One) | Women in Transport

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Workplace Wellbeing Academy i-act Managing and Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing Training (Session One)

Our partners at the Workplace Wellbeing Academy (WWA) are offering Women in Transport members an exclusive discounted price for their i-act Managing and Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing training.

This one-day online course:

  • Gives managers a greater understanding of what they are required to know about mental health and wellbeing issues in the workplace, including appropriate legislation and how to manage and recognise when colleagues may need help and support.

  • Offers guidance and advice for managers on ways to connect with colleagues who may be experiencing a mental health or wellbeing issue.

  • Equips managers with practical tools, a resource pack and signposting to further help and support, concerning mental health and wellbeing issues.

  • Comes with a 168-page evidence-based course manual, toolkit and resource pack for each manager.

The normal price of the course is £125 plus VAT. WWA is offering Women in Transport members a 33% discount, making the price £83.75 plus VAT for two exclusive sessions.

Reserve your place for session one:

  • Wednesday 28 February 2024 (09:15 – 16:00)

There will be a lunch break between 12:30 to 13:30.

Reserve your place for session one by completing the form below.

All information submitted will be held by Women in Transport in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and 2018 Data Protection Act and will be treated confidentially. Information provided will be shared with Workplace Wellbeing Academy for the purposes of administering the course. Your postal address will only be used to send the resource pack for the course and for no other purpose.

Workplace Wellbeing Academy is a one stop shop for wellbeing consultancy and training. We believe wellbeing is an output, from which multiple benefits flow.  We help organisations identify where they are doing well so they can leverage that success and focus precious resources where it will have the greatest benefit for employees and their business. We support clients with wellbeing strategy development, implementation, and a broad curriculum of training developed by our faculty of associates.

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